Baby Blue Tang


hi, i juss finished ma cycle and i hav a 55 gal dt with a 18 gal wet/dry sump i hav a protein skimmer. i hav 35 lbs of live rock n 20 lbs of base rock,....i have 30 lbs of ls. i hav 3 blue/green chromis's,...2 3 striped damsels,....1 blue devilish damsel,....2 cardinals,.....i am gonna get rid of all these fish soon so yea,...back to ma question i bought a baby blue tang yesterday it is 1'' and as healthy as a mule. but i dont no if this is normal right below his eye on both sides is kinda pale/whiteish in i think is kinda caves in i was wonder want this is


:happyfish From the pix, very normal for juvi blue tangs to have. By the way you are going to have to get rid of the tang when it gets bigger, or update to at least a 120, because they get like a foot long, when adult, and need the most free swimming space of the of all the tangs. A lot of places will say diferently, but here at we are a little more for the rights of fish, and p.e.t.a. I think your ok for a while though. Even if you got rid of all the other fish, it still wouldn't be enough free swimming space. Good luck with your new babie.


Staff member
If you actually see an eroding in that area then it could well be the beginnings of HLLE. Something to keep an eye on. Take a look at the Hippo with HLLE in the Diseased Fish Thread for an example of what I am talking about.


Active Member
It is called a grounding probe. If there is stray electricity in your tank, a grounding probe will remove it.
However, other important causes are 1) poor water quality - nitrates are thought to play a role in this disease. Many people suggest waiting until a tank is several months old and has had its water quality stabilize. and 2) dietary deficiency - tangs need both lots of vegetable matter as well as plankton and other supplements. Make sure any tangs get dried seaweed daily and try to soak this in zoecon (which is thought to be a treatment for HLLE).