Baby Brine


Well, I have 1 baby seahorse left. I figured this batch of babies would be a learning experience. Ah well. So I made a batch of baby brine eggs, and they have hatched! The only problem is that I only have 1 baby which has a 60% chance of dying! I have an agressive and reef tank which will take those buggers for a nice meal. But do I raise them full sized, then use them for food, or do I give my fish the salt grain-sized babies now? If I do need to raise them, HOW? What do I feed them? Oh so many questions!


Active Member
for brine shrimp, you'll want to have that seahorse somewhere else so your other fish don't beat him out. you want to hatch your brine shrimp, let them grow 24hrs to get mouths, then enrich for 12 hours, then feed.


Active Member
any type of enrichment...naturose, vita chem, selcon (you can only leave them in this for about two hours because its a heavier, greasy enrichment), things like such


Active Member
i dont know about any of those, you are gonna want something that will enrich your brine so they are worth something


ok. I gues I can see if ***** has ne of tthe ones you mentioned. off the topic, but does a catfish lay eggs or give birth?


Active Member
not sure if ***** will have those specific ones but maybe something far as catfish i have no clue, sorry


Active Member
Catfish are egg-layers.
***** might have one of the enriching vitamins you may need. Look for Kent's Zoe, Boyd's VitaChem, Selcon, Kent's Zoecon, or Seachem's Reef Plus.