Baby Clown tempted...


Hello everyone, I went to my good LFS today and I saw two baby clown triggers for $30! Usually this place is pretty expensive but I'm really really tempted to buy one of these. I know that they don't have a high survival rate at that size but for $30 is it worth it? Right now I have two domino damsels that are about the same size. Will the dominoes pick on the baby clown, or would it be able to hold it's own? I also saw a VERY nice 2.5" porky puff there. I realize that my tank will eventually not be able to sustain a clown trigger, but if it is only about 1" now, won't it be quite a while before he gets to big? Also, when a clown is that small, can he be kept with other fish such as clownfish that are larger than he is? Thanks for any replies.


New Member
yes they will go together they are agressive fish i got a 2.5 clown and its with a blueline trigger, niger,panthergrouper, naso tang, chain linked eel and a purple tang and no fish bothers it.


A clown trigger could work, but not for that long of a time if it survives. But one of the good things about buying a small trigger, is that when it gets too big, a big clown trigger wil sell for over $70 or so. The dominos could cause problems, but all the fish are pretty quick moving. A pork puffer will eventually be killer buy the clown, stay away from mixing the 2. And it might be difficult to add another fish after the clown, it will feel the whole tank is his own- and will defend it.


You might want to watch the damsels, they can be nasty to new fish, with a clown that small you might not want to take a chance with causeing any stress, they do have problems when they are small. I would say no to the porky, he will out grow your tank in a short mater of time and the clown will cause him all kind of problems. Good Luck