Baby clown trigger


Hey everyone. Someone was telling me that u can keep a baby clown trigger in a reef tank. Since it's small like u can train it. To be friends with tank inmates. Anyways what are your thoughts the ct is pretty good price. And I like it.


Active Member
It is possible to train them but as with many things natural instinks kick in and that is when a problem could arise.


Active Member
don't even risk it. The best trigger considered for the reef is a blue throat trigger yet still a big risk.


Originally Posted by meowzer
Would this person happen to be the one selling it...LOL
haha good one

It could "maybe" happen, but I wouldn't risk it either. We spend way too much money as it is, you don't want to regret losing fish and/or corals.


Active Member
You can take the fish out of the ocean...
You can't change their nature. Over time, this fish will eat crabs, snails, etc. It will become very large, and very aggressive, in addition to very messy. I wouldn't even consider it. I hope that you have a very large tank (because you don't want to just pull apart a REEF tank to get this fish out, and it gets huge).
Just read threads on clown triggers. They are not passive little guys. IMO it would be a huge huge huge mistake.


Active Member
Been tried before in a beautiful Tank of the Month winner's tank. Lasted a week before his 'colors' came out and started wreaking havoc, nipping corals etc. Even someone as gung ho about trying risky fish in reef tanks as myself wouldn't try it. Trying to 'train a fish' and avoiding having a fish eat/destroy something because you keep him 'well fed' are two of the biggest crocks in the hobby. If a fish wants to do something, he will. You aren't feeding him every hour. Fish can eat every hour. Your tank certainly can't put up with the bioload of feeding every hour.
