"baby fish"


New Member
I have a 29 gal tank that I've had for 6months. I noticed this morning that all over my live rock there are small (1/8 in size) transluscent "fish" swimming along the top of my rocks, very fast swimmers. I have 5 hermits, 3 snails, 2 black slugs (hitchhikers), 1 clownfish, and I had a lawnmower until it got sucked into my skimmer pump about a month ago ( It was a sad day for me). the little things almost look like baby lawnmowers, there skinny long transluscent with a small round white head, some have a reddish tint to them. I've had my clown and lawnmower for about 2 months and the lawnmower did look FAT when I got her. I also did noticed a egg looking thing ( tan color, 1/4 long oval shape) on one of my live rock thats been there for about 3 weeks when I noticed it. I'm boggled on this one since I'm new to this. any thoughts what these are and what I should do. thanks


Active Member
sounds like mysid shrimp. they only swim and usually close to liverock except in fuges they will just free swim. small fast and darty.