baby fun


Active Member
..its even more fun when she'll learn to walk and tryin to potty train my 2 yr old boy..and just had another baby boy 2 weeks my tank money is now baby formula money...


Active Member
Awww look at that face!!!! You do know what your next purchase is going to be? Crib tent! She will figure out how to climb out of the crib and that tent is the only way to keep her in. Both of our girls are still in cribs and they have crib tents.


Young children are a lot of work and do divert so much of our tank money. But enjoy every minute of it. The time goes by ever so quickly. With my boys now 24 and 26, I have a whole different relationship with them than when they were small.
But sometimes I miss those early years. (just sometimes
)We had a lot of very special times. I guess I'll have to wait for grandkids to enjoy those types of moments again.


Active Member
Aw!!!!!!!!She's a cutie!
I am so not looking forward to Cody becoming mobile, I thought I was past that stage but then our surprise baby came along...........


Active Member
they grow up sooo fast
all of the sudden she is going to be running to the front door and riding on your feet down the hall ! she's beautiful


Active Member
just wait until you are sound asleep and you feel little eyes staring at you.
You wake up and discover your child saying "goomarning".

she is adorable btw!!!