baby hitchhiker clam


I tihnk I have a baby clam. I got my live rock in yesterday. It is in my 39 gallon qt tank. I just found a baby clam looking thing on it. my question is should i put it in my regular tank since the rock is still curing?Oh and is it a clam?its about 1/8 inch long, greay and looks like a little shell.and if it is a clam how do I take care of it. I have snails and crabs but never a clam


Active Member
Small clams and mussels are common hitch hikers. They require no special care and are generally filter feeders. Some will move around quite a bit. I would probably leave the rock curing...but that is just me.


I think I will have alot of cool stuff with this rock. On the rock I got from the lfs, all I got was bristle worms.