baby jelly?


I looked through the hitchiker thread and what we had didn't look like the hydroid jellyfish pictures. It was a little smaller than a smiley
and it floated and moved around just like a regular jelly fish. It was tan and had short little tentacles around its bell. We hadn't gotten anything new in our tank for probably 3-4 mo. Could it have been in a larval stage?Was it really a jellyfish? I named him squishy. Notice I've been using the past tense.... he was eaten... then spit up... then eaten again.
Yum! I would've atleast enjoyed watching him a little longer. Any thoughts?
"I shall name him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy! Ow- bad Squishy bad little Squishy!"


A friend of mine had teensy tiny wee little baby jellies popping up in her tank like that. She got them out and put them in a tiny, maybe .25-.5 gallon, fish bowl with a little bit of livesand and cheato (can't remember if she used little liverock rubble or not), used just an airstone to bubble the water, and fed them new hatched brine shrimp. They grew and multiplied and everything! It was very cool! We thought they might be upside down jellies.
It's entirely possible that one or more came in with something in your tank. If you see any more try setting them up like my friend did! It was highly cool, I watched those teeny lil things even more avidly than her main tank
, and if you can get them to grow and they do turn out to be an upside down or something they'd probably be pretty profitable for you and a very interesting, unique pet for someone!!!


We've been keeping an eye out, but haven't seen any new baby jellies. It was the coolest little guy I've ever seen though.