Baby nemo gone mad!!!


OMG my girl nemo so killed my other little nemo that was smaller than her. What the heck she totally attcked it and riped him to pieces so i took him out and i flushed him cuz he was like 99% death and wow i cant belive this. I loved that nemo to death and now I dont know what ima do with just 1 bad nemo. I new it was a oceallaries clown and the other a tru perc. They just looked the exact same and man i dont even know what to say. This is so disappointing. What should I do know? Give the other one up or leave him and get a fire fish or 2 :help: :help:


3 fire fish and a nemo. You know im not all that mad about my nemo killing the other because i really love clowns so i wanna keep this one and get like 2 fire fish or something or should i just remove him because he might b sad


Active Member
thats why they say don't mix different clowns together. im plannin on gettin me some nemos too. but the same kind tho. u think they will fight?


what happend with me is the place had like 30 little nemos all together. The owner said they where all oceallairs tank raised and they all look the same. Me and clowns dont ever go together cuz everytime i buy a pair they are alwayz a diffrent type but yeah they should be ok if they r the same type forsure


Active Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
3 fire fish and a nemo. You know im not all that mad about my nemo killing the other because i really love clowns so i wanna keep this one and get like 2 fire fish or something or should i just remove him because he might b sad
"She" might be sad. I believe that the larger of the two, assuming you purchased them together at about the same size, was the female. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


no they where diffrent size. I made sure I got a small one and than a bigger one. If she was sad her little tail wouldent have killed the other one. Shes a weird little clown. I try reranging the corals and if i have my hand in there 2 long she will attack me lol
. It kinda hurts


Originally Posted by wifishman1
i would get 3 a couple pretty cool. :joy:
i was always told and experienced at the pet stores that fire fish dont do well together.My lfs also wont sell clowns together unless they come from the distrubter as a "pair" because of them fighting. sorry to hear about that.


blondie thank u but its to bad that i lost the little guy. I wonder if i get anything else that swims instead of my white ray goby i wonder if he well kill it to?


Originally Posted by NanoKid
blondie thank u but its to bad that i lost the little guy. I wonder if i get anything else that swims instead of my white ray goby i wonder if he well kill it to?
yes it is bad that you lost your little guy. I caint say 100 % that he wont kill anather fish. but you can do a few things to help. one you can re do your rock work before you add in a new fish and two you can feed him a good meal before you add a new fish also. this way he wont be crabby and he will be to busy looking for a new hole and home to claim to worry about a new fish then both of them will establish a new home instead of the nemo defending an already established home. But GOOD LUCK