Baby Shark and Shrimp


I have a 3 week old bamboo shark and I was wanting to get some cleaner shrimp and also some banded reef shrimp. Will my shark eat them when he gets bigger? Also he (the shark) isnt that active and hangs out in a couple of spots, will the shrimp kill the shark? Also are these shrimp kool with hermits or will they eat um?


is your trigger bothering the shark?
i was planning on getting a banded shark this week myself
but my local pet store said to be careful
any problems yet?
thanks jr


Active Member
Triggers and sharks DO NOT mix, neither do triggers/sharks and shrimp. Eventually someone is going to get killed or eaten in that mix. Bo


Problems with sharks and triggers may not happen in the beginning but eventually most triggers will aquire a taste for shark cartilage. Just a warning.
The shrimps will probably be eaten eventually. Its better to add inverts 1st to lower the chance of them being eaten.


The shark and the trigger are both immature right now and I have seen no problems with either of them. The most aggressive fish in my tank are my damsels. I did take into consideration that when my trigger gets a little bigger he is going to take a violent turn so I have a 75 gallon in the works. I will probably get a couple of small banded reef shrimp and a cleaner for my 10 gallons. Another question is what will these shrimp eat, what I mean by this is do they eat “stuff” in the tank or will I need to feed them like I feed my fish?


does your banded shark swim much and give some life to the tank? or just lies at the bottom and doesn't move much?


Well right now he just kind of chills in his corner and doesn’t swim at all. He kind of scoots like a blenny or a goby would but only like in his little space. He really perks up when he smells food in the water but that’s about all he does.


wondering how long you had the banded shark?
i was just thinking maybe he doesn't swim around much because he's new , but maybe thats just the way they are ?
and wanted to know how long you had the banded together with the huma huma triger?
i really don't want to get rid of my huma huma to get my banded many people say they don't get along, although my huma huma is still a juvenile
thanks jr


Well I have raised the shark from an egg so i have had him for about 3 months. He has been out of his egg for about 4 weeks but he was premature so he has really only been out of his egg without his yolk for about 3 weeks. I am pretty sure he is just like this cause he is young but ya never know. I just got my banded yesterday and he is in a totally different tank than my trigger. My 120 is so aggressive that I wouldn’t even think about putting a shrimp in there because he would be gone in like 10 minutes. I have my banded in with a Fiji Damsel and a Jewel Damsel in a 10 gallon (they are fine so don't try and tell me they are not.)


edited: I thought he meant banded shark (his shark) in a 10...
but 2 damsels are pushing it for a 10, by the way... when full grown or near it I cant imagine them tolerating each other much... jewels get to a hefty size for a damsel, too and theyre not easy on the bioload either...
I also dont agree with the shark + trigger = okay in the 120 mix... you never know,... but thats another topic.
Drew :p


I agree with splash, as far as the shark goes, (from what I have read) the bamboo sharks really don't move around that much, they are content to just chill on the bottom.