Baby Snpwflake eels.

jimmy g

My friends just set up a 75 Gallon reef and he doesnt have a comp at home so I am going to ask for him.
He is wondering if a baby snowflake eel can go in a 75 gallon reef. The snowflake eels at the LFS are very tiny (3inch.)


I would have to say no. When eels first explore they get into everything they can squeez through. I think your friend should get some that are at least 3x that size especially in width so they can't squeez through smaller openings to escape.


Active Member
They are pretty much reff safe, except sometimes small fish are at risk. EEls are almost blind, so they are opportunistic eaters. My father has had one in a 65 gallon reef for two years with no problems. They can get out of any small hole though. Good luck


.They don't get lond very fast but they get fat. I have mine in my semi-reef he had his mouth open one time really far and for some reason my yellow-tailed damsel put his tail in the sfe's mouth:notsure: I actually wish he would have eaten him damsels are evil.