Bac At It Again


New Member
Experts...I need advice..First I appreciate any time spent answering my novice questions...2nd..this may be the greatest use of the internet and this cite is we go..I have a 55 that was salt water then fresh now I want to set it up for salt is cleaned and running in the garage with tap water...I have an underground set up with two power heads..I have two whisper 2's, proper heaters...I have been to a few stores and they want me to get a sump system..I was thinking I could use my existing equipment but I was told undergroounds aren't used in salt water, or supplies are limited. I also have an eheim canister 2213 that has no contents I could use...questions...should I skip the underground and spend the $300 on a sump system? Is the undergravel really outdated? Is it worth setting up the canister and have one whisper and the udnergravel going? I am looking at setup this coming weekend..again, I appreciate the responses..My whole family is so excited, I want to do this right...

bang guy

First, before buying anything else, sketch out what you want the end result to look like. For example, are you looking to keep fish, corals, clams, anemone, etc.
Undergravel systems can work. They are not what I would suggest but if you only want to keep a few fish they can do OK. You do not NEED a sump. A sump has a lot of benefits and I suggest them but to say they are required is false.
Think about the end result and your budget and get back to us.


New Member
We have talked about it as a family...a puffer, a panther grouper, a yellow tang..a coral banded shrimp, a Dora fish (nemo reference cant remember name), not including the startup damsels, looking at probably Five the past I had coral scattered around..I had synthetic bottom and added living rock...a budget is not really an issue since I salvaged some equipment...the two whisper twos, the heaters and the canister...I had this tank up for ten years with the old equipment and I guess the real question is, for maintenance, stability and lack of headaches...what would be the best option? I have shopped and got a sump system priced at $300...with some of my research I figured if I buy a sump, I would keep one powerhead in for circulation, run both whisphers until established then take it down to one...I have been to three diferent stores and got basically two different answers and one indignant owner that didnt want to help...Would I run the cansiter and a sump and the whispers? I also have a diatome filter I used to clean the tank..I hear that is also outdated but it was a wonderful system to run after a few months for a deep clean..lot of info, I know..dont need all the answers right away just direction....thank yu


Puffers are not very good with inverts, and a panther grouper will eventually have you damsels for lunch . I would find a more compatible group IMO.


New Member
Ive got a lot of time toi research and come up with a group of fish...figured fish are at least month plus away...Frankness u r in cleveland to you recommend a store that has great advice? I went to one off of broadview b ut they are moving and limited stock and information other then what they sell..Your opinion on a good store with good help?


Aquatic Technology in Columbia Station is where I normally go. Good selection but i feel you will find the best advice by asking questions on this forum. Everyone needs a good fish store but they are not always friendly until you spend a few hundred there LOL. I joined this forum a month ago and have learned alot! Ask questions like you doing and take what you learn to the fish store with you.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Kimnrob http:///t/390950/bac-at-it-again#post_3464805
We have talked about it as a family...a puffer, a panther grouper, a yellow tang..a coral banded shrimp, a Dora fish
I wouldn't recommend the Grouper in a 4 foot tank, 8 foot tank minimum. They grow to a foot long in just a few years and then can add another six inches over time. The Hippo Tang (Dora fish) typically need a lot of swimming space. More that a 55 gallon can provide. Just my opinion of course. I'm sure you can find someone that has done it before and recommends it but I'm looking at it in terms of likely success for you. A Coral Beauty Angel can give you the splash of blue color if that's what you're looking for. I've never kept a Puffer so I have no advice there but I believe it would eat a Shrimp if given the opportunity.
Using Damsels to start a tank is still done but it is not necessary. Just adding a pinch of fish food every day will accomplish the same thing without forcing the fish to suffer through ammonia levels in the water.