Back in with a 12 gal. JBJ Nano Cube...



Hey everyone :) It has been a couple of years now since I have been on this site. I used to have a 29 gal. reef, and two mantis shrimp tanks. Well, a lot in my life has changed. My bf of 4 years and I split, I reconnected with an old friend, ended up getting married, he joined the Air Force, we moved, had a baby, and I am sure the list could go on lol. I have been patiently waiting to get back in to the SW world, and finally picked up a tank a couple of days ago.
The tank that I am starting back up with is a 12 gal. JBJ Nano Cube. It has a 70 watt MH bulb, LEDs, the original 2 fans in the hood with 2 additional fans that the previous owner added, the standard 3 stage filtration, but I will not be using the media. I will be picking up some grape caulerpa tomorrow for the first chamber, I have a little bit of LR rubble in the second chamber, and just the heater (which probably won't be needed with MH lighting) and pump in the third chamber. Will be getting either a koralia 250, or maxijet 400 for my powerhead, just trying to figure out what I actually need (any suggestions for output?).
I have a 2-ish in. sand bed (fine sand) and about 12 lbs. of figi LR. I am waiting (for the second time) for the dust to settle from the sand. The bag said no need to rinse, so I didn't, and it cleared up. Well there was a bunch of dust that settled on the rock, and I went to move the rock this morning, and it majorly clouded up again. I never had this issue with my tanks last time. It is almost clear again, but I need to aquascape and am worried up clouding again. I got some clear tubing to siphon the dust off the top of the rock, but I am just hoping that it actually works (any suggestions on this or does that sound good?).
So basically, this will be a reef tank, mostly filled with corals, and I will probably get a small goby (yellow watchmen perhaps), a couple of shrimp, and some other little things like CUC, emerald crab, etc. Obviously, this will all be added with time, and once the cycle is finished.
Raw shrimp goes in to kick start the cycle once I get the dust under control!!! Very excited to get back in to the hobby :) I will put pics up as soon as things are settled and aquascaped.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this is reunion month! Glad to see you back on the forum! I just got back too! yay!
Sounds like your doing all the right things. Make sure you adjust your salinity again after you siphon off all the dust off your rocks. Can't wait to see what you can come up with again!
Congrats on getting married and the baby! I'm going to be a daddy in a few months myself and I'm really excited. :D


Thanks everyone :)
And congrats SnakeBlitz!!!
I am thinking I am going to have to up the salinity anyway. I got premixed from my lfs (not what I usually do and will be mixing my own when I get back from visiting my sis in Indy), and they keep their salinity a couple points lower than I would like, and have always kept my past tanks at. Can't wait to get back and get moving on the cycle!!!


So, the tank had sat for about 6 weeks with just the live sand and live rock in it. My baby and I flew to Indy to visit my big sister, and then I had surgery, so the tank was on it's own other than top offs for those 6 weeks. I finally was feeling better so I went ahead and tested my parameters on the 24th of this month. Ammonia was at 0, Trites at 0, Trates at 5, and the pH was 8.0. The pH is a bit low, so I ordered some pH buffer and will be receiving that in the mail today. So I went ahead and threw in a raw shrimp. The next four days (Sept. 25-28) parameters are as follows:
Shrimp out
I figured since the tank sat for so long and had time to establish, that's why the old raw shrimp trick took so little time to spike and then come down. So the tank has been sitting for almost 7 weeks, and I am going to go to the LFS and get some snails and possibly an emerald crab. I am very excited since I have waited years to get back in and will now get to see something moving (although moving slowly since they will be snails lol). I will get some pics up later on today :)