Background on tank?


I originally posted this message in photography on accident...
What are everyones thoughts about using a background on your tank? Is it best to use one of those fake ocean background films to mask the corner of the wall behind the tank?? I'm jsut looking to do something to cover-up the mess of wires and ugly wall corner visible through my tank.
Plain blue or the "reef backgrounds" will both work fine. I personally like the plain blue background ... It is just personal preference really.
Background are good to clean up your tank from wires, skimmers, filters, etc.


I like black, it helps to hide what hangs inside of the tank as well. But some people paint, and some use the backrounds provided by the LFS. I like those better because you can change them out if you want. And some are reversable.


I found a mirrored background, and after I finally got it to sit pretty flat against the back, it looks pretty good. Gives the tank a deeper front to back look.
Some people will disagree with you on that .... SOme fish will fish their own reflection and beat themselves up ... JMO


I used a can of dark blue metallic rustoleum... looks awesome. I wish I had a digital camera, I'd post pics.
Also, if you spray paint your tank, lay it down so you're not fighting gravity against runs. I didn't lay mine down... I turned it over w/ the open side down. It took forever to paint because I had to spray such light coats to keep it from running.
And, tape off the tank opening. You'd be surprised how much overspray will really get in there (learned that one the hard way from a friend's tank.)