

New Member
I notice some tanks have backgrounds....i.e black or blue...some there a preference with reef tanks? Pro's or Con's??? Just curious to see what others have...

who dey

Active Member
some prefer black because they believe it is easier to notice colors on corals and fish. I prefer light blue because it adds more color to the tank


Active Member
I have a blue background. Im thinking of switching to black though. I just like the look better. IMO its preference. Whatever you like. Me personally i like solid color backgrounds. Not printed ones.


Active Member
i have a blue back ground i like either one personally but only blue or black no printed ones either

who dey

Active Member
i agree no printed ones, if your gonna go printed you might as well by a pirate ship and a treasure chest to go with it


We had a cool one it was blue at the top and it got darker as it went down and at the bottom it was black


New Member
nah...never even considered the printed ones....have black right now...thinking of trying the other side (blue) to see how it looks....just a pain in the butt to change...thanks for the pics...


On my 90 gal fresh I have the printed back ground. (as a joke) It's of a reef tank. No one has caught it yet LOL.


Active Member
It's basically personal preference...Some prefer blue or black....I think it helps when photographing your tank which it would enhance your fish and corals, and plus you don't see the ugly bare wall behind the tank as well


Active Member
I've done blue and I've done black. I personally like the black better. It's all up to you. But having a background will make your tank look better, to hide all the wires hanging down, and to bring out the corals and fish.


Painted mine with dark blue Krylon, applied with a 6" foam roller (while in place). Came out great.


Active Member
One of the neatest backgrounds I have ever seen was a homebrew that a fellow (should be called an artist really) had carved and air brushed himself, out of a piece of ridgid styrofoam. It did not even come close to looking like the typical printed type backgrounds, it gavce lots of added looking depth, and was as realistic as could be..........It was actually like an extension of his exisitng reef......


New Member
I take aluminum foil and paint it black. The folds in the foil give a nice sense of depth to your tank. It almost looks like there are little caves in the background.


Active Member
I think there is some added benefit to a background.
Often my chromis get scared and "dart" for cover". I'd guess that by having a background they feel more secure (as opposed to being surrounded on all sides by open space)


Active Member
Black backgrounds are good for making the tank look larger tha it is, as previously stated. However, another plus of a black background is that it also hides most equipment (which is usually black).


Active Member
I dont have one, but the back of my tank is covered in coraline alge, and you cant see out of it, is that ok.