bacterial infection?


dying fish
I have had a 55 gallon fish tank for 6 months and I am unable to keep fish in there for more then a couple weeks. They continue to get white skin all over. It is not ich and the local fish store says its a bacterial infection. I used some type of chemical that should have taken care of the infection but I purchased some damsels and they have died after a week with white stuff on there bodies. On one fish, the white was behind the eye like someone took a white marker and drew a single line from top to bottom. The second fish to die had white all over its mouth. I have a different type of damsel in the tank that I purchased with the others and they are eating like everything is fine. I also have a cleaner srimp that has lived through it all. I am about to give up if this contiunes so I need some advise on what I can do to help this problem.