"Bad" Anenome Eating Bugs


This past Afternoon I Aquired one of those Majano? Anenomes. I figured since I won't have the cash for any coral any time Soon I would buy one of those weeds...lol. Just to have something in the tank. Anyways Since I put my liverock in the tank these little bugs have multiplied enourmously and are now all over the dang tank...when i got home tonight i noticed that the new Majano had a couple of them in it's grip..one of which wasin it's mouth already...along with Kent Marine Micro-Vert Can I expect that this new addition to my tank won't require additonal feedings? btw my lighting is a Coralife 96w PC.

a short

sounds like the bugs are pods. Do they kinda look like teeny weeny shrimp, white to clear looking? Yes you have to feed your anemone a peice of shrimp or silversides or something.


wow I have pods huh...the things are EVERYWHERE..lol and hmm I wonder what i can find small enough to feed it..


By the way...just what are these pods feeding off of? Not much food is put into the tank anymore cept to feed the starfish...


Believe it or not, I actually saw one of my pods chowin' down on a piece of snail poop!! I was goona get a pic, but after the first "piece" I guess he was full, cause he bolted!! I have plenty of snails but my pod population has seriously diminished, so I guess snail poop isn't all they eat. But I thought it was an interesting tid-bit...:D