bad lighting corals?


Active Member
ok, i know kenya trees don't really prefer sany specific lighting. so is there any other corals that don't really giv a crap about there lihgitng and grow fine anyway? i am getting pc lighting for my 18 gallon in december for but i was wondering wha sorts could do ok under florescent lighting in my 10g.
got 2 1 inch kneya frags in there atm


Active Member
All non photosynthetic corals will need to be spot fed FYI. Some species of gorgonians are non photo, and chili coral too.


Active Member
those big words in that last post confused me O.O
sun corals, i may look into those, i here there very pretty


Active Member
I believe some blastos do better in lower lighting than others... I have a blastomussa merleti, and it does great with only a fair amount of light. And as they were previously mentioned, gorgonians are great low-light corals (They look awesome, IMO), but they can be very difficult to keep..