bad news


ok when i was sleeping the other night i heard some rocks fall and i turned the light on and nothing looked different. I went to work and came home and i only saw 1 of my two baby sharks. So i started looking around and i started moving rocks around and i found him he was stuck under a small rock and i lifted the rock off him and he didnt move. He moves around some but not as much as he did. Do you all think he is hurt or tired from trying to get out from under the rock.
:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


My freind had the same thing happened to his coral cat shark. He would'nt come out for a couple of days . By about 5 days after he finally started to come out and ate.
Hope ur shark does good.

tony detroit

Active Member
He should come around, unless he broke some bones from the falling rocks. Go to the hardware store and buy a couple bags of zip ties, they are in the electrical dept. Tie your rocks together, so that does not happen again, because bamboos purposely push their snouts into rocks, so if your rocks are not tied together, I can almost guarantee you that will happen again.
good luck


I hope that it comes around.
He should come around, unless he broke some bones from the falling rocks. Go to the hardware store and buy a couple bags of zip ties, they are in the electrical dept. Tie your rocks together, so that does not happen again, because bamboos purposely push their snouts into rocks, so if your rocks are not tied together, I can almost guarantee you that will happen again.
Good advise by TD... Although, I think he meant to say cartilage. Right?