bad or good fish?


I bought a fish at my lfs about a week ago and it was sold as a neon goby , this fish clings on to the side of my gramma and almost looks like its taking a bite out of him , does anybody have info on this problem.
the gramma has tiny white patches where scales should be.again , any clue as to whats happening.


Maybe you could describe the fish you purchased a little so we are sure we will be discussing the same fish.
I have heard that neon goby's are nice fish as are most of that breed. They are really neat in schulls. I haven't heard anyone yet complaining of them being aggressive or eating other fish.
Hope everything is alright. Send us more info on your fish.


Active Member
there is a fish called a mimic blenny that mimics the color of cleaner wrasses and instead of cleaning the fish it takes a bite out of them. this might be what you are describing. it has the colors of a neon goby (electric blue and black), but is rarely encountered in the pet trade. what does the tail and dorsal fin look like? bo


there is also a blackline fangblenny that does the same thing, not a nice fish! and it is venomous. I would reccomend QTing the fish untill a good ID can be made. Do you have a way of taking a picture of him for us?
[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]


Active Member
Now before panic sets in lets look at this a bit. Neon Gobies do perform cleaning services on other fish. A true neon gobie has electric blue coloration of the longitudinal line on the body. From my book it shows a black line front to back top of head with the blue line next going along and thru the eye socket area then from what I can see it looks like a lighter color maybe white on the bottom area. Now the only down side I see in my bool is that they are short lived perhaps only a year at best, but otherwise considered a great little fish to have. I truely think a lfs would know a neon gobie versus a cleaner wrasse which has a much lighter blue color then the gobie and is a heavier looking fish.


my mystery fish has three black lines that are seperated by two Electric blue lines and a white bottom , the back fin is clear but the blue and black lines continue on through it. the fish does not have a sucker on the front but a mouth like a regular fish , and is about an inch long. its fins are all clear.I cannot take a picture to decribe this fish further.
Any ideas? thanks.