Bad timing? ......Help Quick Please

I appear to have an ick problem this morning. Going to the LFS for some garlic treatment. Only one one damsel so far....55 long with external filter system. I have a shipment of inverts arriving today and LR tomorrow with no quarantine tank. If I start the ick treatment this morning can I safely acclimate the inverts this afternoon?
I had planned to vigorously rinse the LR in a large container of SW before adding to the tank...have 50 lbs coming.


Active Member
what i would do, is take the damsel out and qt it and start hyposalinity, then, go ahead and put the invets in the main tank(you cannot treat with hypo in the same tank as teh inverts), while curing the rock in another container, you will have some die off, so you should cure the rock before adding it to your tank, did you cycle the tank yet??? if not, your inverts are not likely gonna make it anyhow, but if you have already cycled, then you could do this and you hsould be able to save teh inverts, teh rock and the fish
if you really want to try garlic, and you have cycled the tank, you could put the inverts in, but i would still cure the rock in a seperate container from your live stock
Don't have a quarantine tank yet. Just converted to SW from fresh two weeks ago. Have had 9 Damsels in the tank for a 10 days. Am testing levels today. Isn't rinsing the LR that comes from okay? It is reported to be quality LR on this message board.


Active Member
it is quality, but when MO ing lr, you will have die off, which could create an ammonia spike which could kill inverts and fish, the only way to do this, would to be to ship the rock fully submerged in water, and OUCH the shipping, it would have to be freighted, $$$$$$$$$$$$$
then none of us could afford it, so it is stil best to cure it b4 adding to a system wihtfish first, there is a big diference between quality and no die off aat all, and the quality is more than acceptable 4 me(and i am picky at purchasing everything, not only my aquarium)
adn the fish like i said, you could try garlic, it will not hurt the inverts, aslong as it is only garilc, and no medicine or metals(especially copper), but i would be worried about the inverts, in any case, because you probably have not completely cycled, i fyou are referring to snails nad shrimp, they may make it, if you have passed your ammonia spike, MAY but no guarentees
and the die off and ammonia spike is good for the cycle, but not your livestock
Went to the LFS for help. Bought Greenex for the ick, it is invert safe. The inverts arrived at 11:22 as promised. Acclimated over a two hr period following the instructions, a little longer for the CBShrimp, all are doing well so far and the ick seems better too.
Tested today for the first time since setup. SG 1.026, Ph 8.0, Ammonia 1.0, Nitrite 0.25, Nitrate 10. LFS suggested lowering the SG to 1.022-23 and raising the temp to 78 from 74 over the next 2-3 days. LR should arrive tomorrow.
Two weeks into this new venture and no fatalities yet! So far so good...thanks for all the helpful advice so far.