Bad Week!!


New Member
My snowflake eel escaped from my tank this week and I found him dead on the floor and then two days later, my yellow tang died. I am heartbroken. I have one damsel and a percula clown fish left. Any suggestions on what I can add? I am not ready for another tang yet.


Active Member
You had them in a 35 gallon? I could understand why the eel wanted out. And that small of a tank is not suitable for any tang, you'll need at least a 75 gallon tank.
You could add another percula, make sure the new one is smaller than the one you already have though. Then maybe a little neon goby too. That is already pushing it, you can't fit much into a 35 gallon.
BTW, I have heard that people put dried up eels that escaped onto the floor back into their tanks and they were still a live. May be too late for yours though. Sorry about that.


New Member
Thanks for the reply! I would like to clear something up though, I did not really want the eel. He escaped from my FS in a piece of live rock that I bought last December and I discovered him in the tank later that evening and named him appropriately, "Eelian". Anyway, the eel was never at the top of my "must have fish list" but I certainly was not happy to see him dead.
I have heard similar stories, but I think mine was a little too far gone, he was kind of stuck to the floor by my sliding glass door. It was sad!!
I was led to believe that my tank size was fine for all. I do want to add something new though because my clown is lonely, he loved the tang, they were great friends. He's not real close with the damsel.


Active Member
Gee, some people just have the best of luck with hitch-hikers. :mad: I have seen hitch-hiking boxing crabs, marble seastar, octopus, and now a snowflake eel! I would just love to have those. :yes: How big was the SFE when you discovered him?
I think a mate for the clown will cheer him up. If you will get one, make sure the new one is smaller than the one you already have. This is because if it is bigger they will fight to become the dominant female. And since the one you have is already female, they will fight to the death.


New Member
My eel was about 4-5 inches the day I got him and he was about 8 inches when he died. He was beautiful to watch and he got along just fine with my other fish. I had the tang, clown & damsel. I fed him regularly to ensure that he wouldn't end up eating any of his friends.
So, I will probably shop for a new fish this week, for now I will just get another clown so that my other one isn't so lonely.



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
you could add another percula, make sure the new one is smaller than the one you already have though. Then maybe a little neon goby too. That is already pushing it, you can't fit much into a 35 gallon.

ok first if you want to get another clownfish you need to get a bigger one because the one in he tank is already established its teritory and will beable to pick on the little guy and if hes bigger than he can hold his own.
second i think you could get more than 2 clowns and a neon goby in a 35 that only 3 inches of fish in there


actually you need a smaller one, the one you have is the dominant female a larger one would also be a female thus you d have fighting


Active Member
Yes, you will need a smaller one, not bigger. If you do get a bigger one, then it will fight with and kill your current clown for dominace and to become the female. Once a female, it cannot change back to a male, so that is why they fight to the death.
And it will not only be 3 inches of fish, it will be nearly 8"- almost 6" for 2 percs and 2" neon goby.


New Member
I'm going to put a smaller clown and a neon goby. We'll see what happens from there.
Thanks to all!:confused: