Bak-Pak problems


Hi all,
I bought a CPR Bak-Pak 2R today. When I hooked everything up, it worked fine, a lot of foam was coming up over the tube in the collection cup. After a few hours I got curious as to what was being collected so I removed the cup. When I put it back on, the foam will only come 1/2 way up the tube and nothing is being collected. The skimmer chamber is full of bubbles. I have lowered the cup as far as possible and the bubbles will still not come up to the top of the tube.
What should I do? Or should I just wait?


I too have a bak-pak which I now really like. It was hard to get things going smoothly at first but you can do it. One option is to take it all apart and make sure it is put together correctly. Another option (more likely) is that the sponge in the bottom needs to be washed out. At first, this needs to be done often. Try these tips and see if they help.


Active Member
All skimmers have a break in period of up to 3 days to a month. It may not skim anything for a while, or it may completely fill up the cup with nothing but clear water. Just give it time and be patient.


Active Member
Believe me, I know what you're talking about. My family said that since I've started this hobby, my patience and attitude towards others has taken a storming turn for the better. When they see me anyways, I'm always in my room in front of the tanks.


Active Member
Couple things about the bak pak . . . .
1. Ditch the sponge. It will only cause you trouble (i.e. flood) and its a pain to clean.
2. a.) If you dont use the preskimmer then upgrade the pump to a maxi-jet 1200 with the venturi kit. It fits right on with no modifications and is 2x as effective. b.) If you use the RIO, clean is at least once a month by soaking it in a bath of white vinegar for at least 2 hours.
3. You want to have the bottom lip of the collection cup 1/8th of an inch or so below the water line. Any more and you are skimming too much water out. You skimmate should be a dark green/brown but it will never have any consistency to it. This skimmer is just not that good. It may not pull anything out at first and it may goes days on end without pulling anything out, and as previously mentioned, there is a break in period where it will do strange things.
4. Once the skimmer has finished its break in period (you will know when it stops throwing bubbles into the tank) you want to adjust the air line valve to the best spot. To do this (IME) start with it all the open, even pull the green valve off. Then place it in there lightly, just enough so that it wont fall out. Slowly turn it until you hear a change in the pitch of the sound the skimmer pump makes (sounds strange, I know but trust me). As soon as you hear that sound, you skimmer chamber should be completely full of bubbles and you should be able to see them swirling all around in the chamber.
I have run and tinkered with one of these things for a very long time now. Once you learn how to finesse the thing its basically self sufficient minus the cleanings.
P.S. Despite common lore . . . I have run the original RIO 600 on my skimmer for over 18 months now. Never stopped on me once.


007, could you swing by my house and play with my skimmer, lol. My CPR was runnng fine until I hooked up the Refugium and it started pumping out tons of bubbles. I turned it off for a few days, and will see what happens tonight, going on the assumption the fuge introduced something to whack the skimmer.
KLO- When I got the skimmer it took a few months before it collected anything, now I have to empty the collection cup every week or so. If your tank is new and clean it will look like it's not working, don't sweat it.


I appreciate all of the good advice. Thanks everyone.
Today when I got home from work it was foaming. The bubbles were too big and the cup has about an inch of green liquid in it. I moved the cup up and so the foam is thicker. I will just keep an eye one it and see what happens.
I wish I wouldn't have put the sponge in it, it is going to be a pain in the *** to remove. I will take it out in a few days I guess. Plus I need to move a power head, when I put food in, it floats around to the back and gets sucked up into the skimmer... I think it is frustrating my Niger.


007 or anyone,
do you reccomend using the pre-skimmer or upgrading to the maxi-jet 1200?


Active Member
I HIGHLY reccommed the preskimmer/bubble trap combo box . . . it really helps keep the surface of the water clean, and the bubble trap is pretty effective. The sponge in it though does need to be cleaned monthly.
The major drawback is that the preskimmer won't work with the MJ-1200 . . . I would like to upgrade to a MJ myself, but I like the preskimmer more as of now and I have yet to have any problems with the RIO. (knock on wood).


007 thanks for the advice,
since I can only do one or the other I will probably go ahead and get the skimmer/bubble trap combo and not get the MJ 1200. thanks


Active Member
I have heard, but not yet seen, that CPR is in the process of developing a preskimmer for the MJ . . . you may want to contact them and see what they have to say . . . perhaps you could get the best of both worlds . . . if not now, then maybe in the near future. just a thought . . . .


good idea, they have a webpage with a message board. I will see what he has to say..thanks for the idea.