Bak Pak Skimmer


I am looking into getting the bak pak 2 as my primary skimmer? Does anyone else use this and give it a good recommendation? I read about a person using this as their only filtration/skimmer on a 75 gallon tank. Now I have a good rena filter already set up so I am wanting the bak pak for more of a protein skimmer. Any comments or suggestions are helpful! Thanks

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by zoogrl03
I am looking into getting the bak pak 2 as my primary skimmer? Does anyone else use this and give it a good recommendation? I read about a person using this as their only filtration/skimmer on a 75 gallon tank. Now I have a good rena filter already set up so I am wanting the bak pak for more of a protein skimmer. Any comments or suggestions are helpful! Thanks
IMO they are horrible! I have heard bad stories about them leaking and overflowing. Look into a octopus skimmer. They look alot like the bak pak but they are NOTHING like it. I have a octopus bh300f on my 75 and LOVE it! That is the only filter on my tank. You can find these skimmers at marinesolutionsinc and aquacave. They are hard to find but are worth it.


I bought a Bak Pak skimmer. At the time (a few years ago), there were a lot of good comments about them on here. It worked ok for what it was. I never had any problems with it overflowing or causing problems. However, my bioload was fairly low. Personally, I think there are better. I have the aqua C remora at this point.


Active Member
If we knew then what we know now we would have never bought one. That's all I say! Then again our water quality is great, but I'm not contributing it to the skimmer...