I have been running my new skimmer for 4 days now 24/7, it is quiet and has a ton of bubbles in the column, the thing is, there is nothing in the collection cup, is my tank that clean or is something not working right with the skimmer?
You can try lowering or raising the collection cup (by sliding the o ring up or down). You can also try allowing more air into the column. There is normally a break in period of a couple of days so it still might start working the way you have it set up now.
CPR recommends that the bottom of the collection cup sit about 1/8 of an inch below the top of water in the bubble column. Also, they recommend that the air control valve be opened completely.
You don't mention your bioload, or if this is a new setup. A new setup shouldn't produce too much sludge in the cup.
i keep my cup just barely under the H2O line, also clean the cup well 1x per week if it stays dirty it dosent collect well. Clean the grey elbows on the powerhead every 2 weeks especially the air intake elbow they do get clogged and it will not create as many bubbles in the column, that is one thing i dont like about the Rio pumps.