bakpak2 bubble trap instalation ?'s


I may just be the biggest idiot, but has anyone bought a bubble trap for their bakpak 2? How does this thing attach? the instructions are very vague? please help! the little bubbles are killing me!!!!!!!! :eek:
I don't have one so I am just shooting in the dark. I just made a bubble trap for my Remora Pro and it is basically a box with sponge the water has to go through. So, it (the trap) has to go on the water return, on the Remora it just slips over the return "chute" the water runs down and tightens on with two screws.
I just looked at a picture of the BakPak and it has a tube returning the water - your bubble trap probably screws onto the tybe.
Sorry I can't be more help. You might just e-mail CPR and see what they say.
[ May 11, 2001: Message edited by: CaymanLovers ]
Go to CPR's web page for instructions
its let me know how well the trap works my little bubbles are starting to get on my nerves also. Somedays my tank is crystal clear then its tiny bubble city.


just an update on the bubble trap. I have barley any bubbles in my tank. The only ones are collecting on the underside of the trap but they are big bubbles and don't move at all. :D