Ball Pickeling Lime question - Kalk


Well, I found the Ball Pickeling lime at my local wallie world, however it comes in 3 flavors. Dill, Sweet and Butter Pickle. Is there a difference, or do I not use any one of these? Can someone post a pic of the package this stuff comes in. I've heard you can also find this at albertsons, so I will try there later. Thanks for any info.

nm reef

Active Member
I've never seen it in "flavors" is normally in a greenish can....standard stuff. I'll try to take a pic and post it up...I buy 4-5 cans every year...I have a few sitting around.


Active Member
Dill, Sweet and Butter Pickle.
If you have damsels, better use the sweet. :yes:


My walmart has that stuff, that is not what you are looking for. That is for making pickle juice in different flavors.Dont even try that stuff. I just went to the mrs.wages home page and bought 3 1lb. cans of pickling lime for like $9.00 inluding shipping.It took 4 days to get to my door I received it on Mon. and this should be enough for at least 18 months. Not bad for 1.89 per pound you should try it... LOL


awesome, thanks for the info, I will be placing an order since I've had no luck at my local stores.
Yeah, I don't think I want to have any Buttery Sweet Dill Damsels