Ballasts-magnetic vs. electronic


Which ballast type is better for 250w se mh, magnetic or electronic? Pros and cons of each? Thanks in advance :)


Active Member
M58 probe start magnetic:
pros: inexpensive. internal parts easily replaced. proven reliability
cons: may not fire pulse start or double ended bulbs. less efficient than electronic. may make a humming noise
M138 pulse start magnetic:
pros: hardly any more $$ than a basic probe start. will fire all single ended bulbs. internal parts easily replaced, proven reliability, better performance than probe start. introduced to make probe start obsolete.
cons: limited bulbs specifically designed to run on pulse start (aqualine, reeflux, megachrome, some hard to access german brands). may not fire double ended bulbs, less efficient than electronic. may humming noise
M80 HQI magnetic:
pros: will fire single and double ended bulbs. performs MUCH better than probe, pulse and electronic ballast due to actual 280 wattish output. internal parts easily replaced. proven reliability. with the right bulb the BEST performing ballast you can get.
cons: will overdrive bulbs not designed as HQI bulbs which may shorten lifespan/alter color rendition. uses (and puts out) more energy than other ballast. may make a humming noise.
pros: will fire any bulb. energy efficient, quiet, cooler, short circuit protection
cons: if/when it fails whole thing needs replacing/servicing. underperform magnetic in most bulb/ballast output testing (not always, reeflux for example do well on electronic).
with all that said unless you are sure which bulbs you are going to use long term you should probably go electronic. If you KNOW Radiums are thee bulb for you then go HQI, if you KNOW Aqualine AB are the bulbs for you go pulse start otherwise electronic is the safest bet. Also you dont have to change ballast if you ever start a new set up using double ended bulbs. Also the noise of some magnetic ballast are a deal breaker for me. I cant speak on probe starts but pulse and HQI's hum are annoying to me.