bamboo died


ok i just lost my second bamboo this morning he was doing find but last night he didnt eat when i feed him. I feed him 3 times a week. How did he die. What caused him to die. HE was only 7 inches long aand was in a 90 gallon that has plenty of places to hide so i was wondering what caused him to die. All other fish in tank are doing great.


i have a 90 gallon with aquaclear wetdry with a turbo twist sterilizer, 120 watts of pc lighting 60 pounds of live rock stacked with caves to hide in. Temperature of the tank is pretty stable at 80. The fish i have in with it were juvi cortez angel, sailfin tang, 2 banner cardinals and a lawnmower blenny

tony detroit

Active Member
Shrimp, squid, silversides, krill, ghost shrimp, fish flesh from the grocery store every once in a while too. I feed all my stuff a varied diet, one type of food will not cut it. Also soak your food in vitamins like selcon, zoe and zoecon, as well as liquid garlic to be sure. Well, to be sure I would run a full test on the water twice, but since everything else is fine, it is most likely parasite. Only way to really get rid of them on sharks is to medicate them usually, and it only helps if you know what it has. Sorry bout the loss.
Not likely it caused the death but.... IMO PC is not a good way when it comes to sharks. They do not like the bright light, and would probably be more actice under dull dim NO lighting. Like I said, just for the future, probably wasnt the cause of the death.