OK So i'll probably be making a 300 gallon SW tank soon and I want to have a Bamboo Shark, a LARGE Puffer and some form of Eel... Are these fish compatible? If the eel isn't would a ray be compatible?
nah i have never had problems with sharks and puffers together. sharks usually went after them sometimes. i have had sharks,eels,puffers -dogface,spiny box puffers with sharks and no problems at all.
i have always kept my sharks with atleast one puffer.... and these were large dogface puffers the size of small basketballs pretty much. if you keep fish feed well you solve alot of problems.
Originally Posted by blownz281
i have always kept my sharks with atleast one puffer.... and these were large dogface puffers the size of small basketballs pretty much. if you keep fish feed well you solve alot of problems.
but then consider puffers r "picky" fish (picks on rocks and stuff) a shark on the ground pretty still is gonna be a target, now im not saying that what ur saying isnt true im just saying a new shark keeper shouldnt try it