banded cat shark egg


New Member
I'm workin with a 350 gallon here, And the only thing i'm puttin in it is my banded cat shark egg and a couple of rocks. Haven't put down sand yet cause i'm not yet sure which kind i'll use. But an earlier post mentioned that sometimes a shark doesn't hatch. Of course i'm sure you have to open it up at some point, but my ? is. When is it to long what signs should i look for? I can see him movin around through out the day. Shell is still holdin up so it doesn't look like he'll be bustin out any where soon. How long does it take for them to hatch. I read alot of threads over the year about these sharks so I did alot of extensive checkin out before purchased one. Help me somebody cause i don't want this lil guy to check out cause of a simple egg slicing being needed!


let nature do its thing. If you help it it will only hurt it. When its ready to come out it will come out. Good luck with it. I had 2 shark eggs and both of the hatched and one of them got crushed by a rock so dont stack the rocks cause they like to get under them, The other one just quit eating and died too. They both lived like 4 months.


I agree, just let nature take its course. If it doesn't hatch, there was probably something wrong with the shark(natural selection) good luck. I'm sure things will work out. And of course baby pictures would be in order:D


New Member
Look at the egg and try to find the sac that contains it's food. As soon as it is gone the shark should come out whenever it is hungry


Active Member
I agree with all of the above. A few other things I might point out would be to get a grounding probe on the tank, leave the lights on a max of 8 hours a day, and make sure and keep the specific gravity between 1.024 to 1.027


To check if the egg is still alive drop it from the top of the watter. If it spirals down 95% chance it is alive if it swoops back and forth or just drops strait down,more than likley dead. but keep it in the water for a while. Yhis is a great way to check at pet stores before you buy.


You can get them at local fish store, they are about 15 to 20 bucks. First check to see if you even have current in the tank. You can do this with an OHMs meter.