Banded Cat Shark


New Member
I have been putting alot of consideration into buying a banded cat shark egg, raising it in a 55 gallon tank [so it grows up to be smaller] and then putting it in a 225 gallon reef tank [the reef tank has little live rock for reef tank]. I was wondering if it would be safe to order egg over internet, not in swf they dont have sharks. Im not sure about saying the webiste i think it might violate agreement but would this work. I know enough about catshark to raise it... but would it be okay in reef tank?


New Member
It looks like im getting an egg from aquarium shop and i could use any tips i could get for egg and shark care


Active Member
Im sure everyone here on this board, (at least myself, tony d and mattiej) are tired of explaining the cons of raising a shark in anything less than 180 gallons. Also, DONT put it in a reef type tank. The combination has proved to be deadly. Again, no shark belongs in a 55! Even for a short time. Run a search on this board and do yourself and the shark a favor, learn from others mistakes.


Active Member
Blizz- I think you would be ok to raise one from an egg in a 55 but pretty temporarily as you may have figured. I would keep it in a 55 for a maximum of about 4 months, as you will probably find it to have doubled in size. I wouldn't keep it in with any other fish unless they are real small and non-agressive like green chromis, and would give it a little rock work to hide in but not too much. If you see any weird movements or any changes in its eating habits then I would immediately start acclimating it to a larger tank... preferrably a 180 or larger. That being said- I wouldn't put it in a reef tank. The biggest problems you will find is that sharks don't like intense light at all, and will knock the rock and corals around.
Cubuffs- I will answer your question but start another thread if you have any more. That way Blizz thread won't get hi-jacked. :) Yes, the bottom dwelling sharks such as the bamboos and catsharks can be kept with live rock and will actually appreciate some to hide in during the day. You just want to make sure and give them plenty of room to still be able to swim around when they think they are hunting at night.


New Member
The 225 reef tank of mine doesnt have too much live rock in it. Im going to move it around it a bit [not alone i have someone that is more experienced with sharks helping me =]]. Also anything deemed dangerous or dangered in the tank can be moved out, and even if there is too much rock i can move it to a tank that could use it. The egg will hatch in the 225 because its due in about a month, probably longer. Thnx for the tips


New Member
And about the light... It wasn't done all that well [wasnt mine when it was set up] and there is a good portion of the tank that is in shadow, about an
3/16th of it is in shadow. The rest of it isnt the brightest even compared to 55 gallon. But im going to ask around and find a way to get around it. Possibly what i did with my eels, tons of fake plant in there to shadow out the area i wanted shadowed. I will post pics of tank after it is ready for shark.

tony detroit

Active Member
Also-you want a nice, fine substrate with smooth edges, like sand. CC is not the best, it leads to raw bellies and infections on them. Keep water quality high, and salinity too, I keep mine about 1.024 or higher. There are many different things you can feed, but live ghost shrimp are good to entice it to start eating fresh outta the eggcase. I agree with many of the things that were already said, all good advise.
Gasguzzler-thanks for the compliment, I'm a newbie myself, we're all still learning my friend.


New Member
can i get an estimate on hatch time for the egg?
It is shapely and colored, there is opening at end, takes up about half the egg space and its food supply is getting small.
Is there a big sign about when it is about to hatch?
Also about the sand... its not completely fine sand, would i be fine just putting on another coat of about 2 bags.


New Member
Since its max time is 4 months im going to make sure it is in 225 in 2. Making sure everything is as perfect as i can. Should i do anything else to make sure tank is as good as possible?

tony detroit

Active Member
Just let the egg go, they'll do their own thing. Keep the lights off for most of the day the first few weeks after the hatch. Remember some eggs do not hatch, so your may not but most of them do.


New Member
Do Banded Cat Sharks burrow? If they do how deep? This is pretty important if im throwing on another layer of sand.