Banded cat shark


New Member
Is $40 a good price for a new born banded cat shark? Also, how do I safely introduce a shark into my tank?


I only payed $13 for mine but most places here sell them for about $40. Thats the average price for one. Just aclimate it the same as any other fish. Here's what I did:
1. open the bag and put it in a bucket
2. pour about a cup full of tank water into it
3. Repeat #2 every hour for about 4 hours
4. float the bag in the tank for a half an hour
5. put him in the tank.
BTW-I have two sharks and this method worked fine for both. Both began eating within a day of being introduced in the tank.


New Member
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE HELP; THIS IS MY FIRST SHARK. Oh, one last thing should I quarantine him, if so how?


well sounds like you already bought it; I would have suggested that you verify that it will eat at the LFS... what size tank do you have & water quality will be an issue as well?
you should do a search; risc posted a lot of info about captive sharks & keeping


jim, i tink 4 hours is a little long, but it must work better than the way I do it. Most people put a cup in every 5-30 min. I go by 5 min. For fish I usualy do it for a half an hour, but for my shark i did it for an hour, just to make sure.


RANE: I got it at one of my lfs that has a weekly fish sale
Topfish: I though 4 hours was long too but thats what the lfs guy(who keeps sharks) told me to do. Tank is 180 gallons. I'm currently looking for a good price on a 240 gallon though. The one I found at the lfs for $900 was sold before I could
buy it.
Also step 3 should say evry HALF hour. Not hour.
P.S.- Sorry for the late post. :)

jordan 150

Where in Cali Do u live can u recomend any good fish Stores mine sucks never any unique fish same old same old thanks


I live in Sacramento. The stores I go to most are <a href="" target="_blank">6th Avenue Aquarium </a> in San Francisco and <a href="" target="_blank">Exotic Aquarium</a> in Sacramento. Another good one is <a href="" target="_blank">Aqua Life Aquarium</a> in Rocklin.