banded coral shrimp vs. Emerald Crabs

I have a question for everyone-
Do Banded Coral Shrimp eat Emerald Crabs? My lfs said it wouldn't but does it? If they don't what does eat them? I have lost 5 emerald crabs to something attacking them since Christmas...
Any thoughts would be great and very much appreciated!!!


My CB lived with 3 emerals and hermits, peppermint shrimp and some other shrimp with no problems. They all got along fine in a 55g and my CB was huge. So I doubt if it is you CB eating them. I don't know unless you have the mantis shrimp hiding out somewhere.
Good luck.


I have a large CBS, and she never bothers the emerald crabs. I agree that it could be possible that you may have a mantis, as they will eat most any crab that wanders past. The tough thing about figuring out if you have a mantis is you don't usually see them.


mine dont bother anything either and I have peppermints, porcelains, cleaners, fire and all kinds of snails and hermits. Not really sure what would be eating your emeralds except maybe some fish what all do you have in your tank?