banded shark

seanic aquarium

New Member
Help please
I had a shark egg, and I noticed it had started to fungus. Rather than wait and see what would happen, I cut it open and removed the Banded Shark within. The shark measures about 5-6" and still has a yolk sak about the size of a grape. I have him in a refugium on his own, is there anything I can or should do for him, or will the yolk sak sustain him until he begins feeding.
thanks in advance


The yolk will sustain him until he begins to feed, but it would have also sustained him until he hatched.
The fungus you mention, was most likely algae on the egg case and would not have hurt the shark. What you need to worry about is the yolk sack tearing, and the shark developing an infection due to the wound. Try to make sure there is nothing which can tear/snag/rip the yolk sac.
Getting the shark to feed may be a whole new adventure for you. Have a variety of foods on hand for him.:D