

New Member
Have buy a bandedmuray and he is not eaten anything yeat,Hoe long can it go when they start to eat?The water is ok.He is very active in the tank but when i give him food he run away.
What to do? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


My 15 yo daughters 1st snowflake died after about 3 weeks. We could never get it to eat. After a few weeks we got her another one. This time it was an "assorted Morray" but we don't know what he is. He went about 2 weeks without eating, and we were starting to get worried. Then 1 day I heard her scream. HE ATE!!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> Now he's a little pig and has no problems!!! I don't know what the problem was with the first, but all has been well for the last month.
Oh Yeah... If anyone knows what eel looks like a banded, but the bands are not equal. The white bands are only about half the size of the brown. ( He's not a Zebra either )


New Member
Okay,He has not eat yeat.But i hope he will do before something bad happens to him,i like him alot but i try and try and pray for him :)
Whem i reach some food to him he turn to another way.
Have try alot off different food´s.
Sorry about the spelling probs iam not s good at writting in english :)


New Member
Have tried tha to not eating yeat.
Sad storry today.Get up in the morning and go to the tank and see him on the floor :( and he have escape thru the top class a small little hole and dont know for how long he has been on the floor.
But he is alive and but him back in the tank and he swims down.But now he is not so good,Thinking about to end hes sadly life :(