Bangaii Cardinal pair or trio


hey guys i was just wondering what u thought about the Bangaii Cardinal's i had some but now am down to one and have been for a while... i was wondering how many more i sould put in... i was thinking at least 2 more if not more... do they do well in pairs or in trio or larger...a and also...copper banded shrimp... do you think 2 of them would be ok in a 150 because i already have one right now and was wondering if i could get 2?


Active Member
I have a 125g and put in 3, good for a few days, but then one will beat up on one of them, which is what happened to me. I now have 2 together, and 1 loner. He was pretty badly beaten up....torn fins etc. If I were to do it again I would only do 2 at the start, or a group of 5. My loner seems content, but is constantly chased by the one (assuming here that it is a male). At least the aggression seems to be over, just chasing at this time....has been about 6 months.