bangaii wont eat


New Member
I bought a bangaii about 2 days ago and it wont eat anything and is hiding in the back of the tank. Ive tried feeding him shrimp, clams, regular flake food, brine shirimp flakes, and spirilina flakes. It will just spit everytihng out.


Active Member
Cardinals will not nor should they be fed flakes (that is your problem and lfs should have told you that). Try live brine, frozen brine, live blackworms, frozen mysis, frozen formula 1 or 2 cubes diced up and I bet it eats then.


Active Member
Welcome to the board!
My Bangaii eats frozen brine. He was a bit shy at first but is a very aggressive feeder now. If I disturb the tank for any reason he still hides out in the lr for an hour or so, but then he comes back out. It's not at all unusual for a new fish to hide and not eat for a few days after being added to a new tank.
Take care,
Dan'l :D