Banggai Cardinal not eating =(

teds tank

i bought one yesterday and it isn't eating
i did resarch before buying i looked up min tank aggression and if my pepperment shrimp would be safe
i didn't think to look up what they ate so.....
i have pellet and frozen baby brine shrimp would i need to buy another food (which works best)
He could be pregnent so that might be the problem i heard they could go up to weeks whithout eating
i think he was captive breed(because he was at the lfs for over a week)
but other than this it is a great fish likes to swim and pretty fins
plz help


My cardinal does NOT touch flake or pellets. What I tried was frozen blood worms, and that stirred up his appetite. Mine seems to be picky and only eat frozen food that has mysis shrimp and other meaty stuff. But yah, the frozen blood worms did the trick.


Check your salinity. I had some that wouldn't eat and my salinity was upwards of 1.028! +1 for the mysid.


it isnt uncommon for fish not to eat as soon as they are brought home... there is an acclimation period where they get used to your water parameters that every fish goes through when their surroundings are changed, it could be upwards of a week before he feels comfortable eating again. in general the smaller the organism the shorter the acclimation period (makes sence) but either way its only been a day... way to soon to be conerned... and ive read that cardinals are picky eaters when they are first introduced ANYWAY, so i wouldnt worried, just feed normally different things until he takes something he likes and go from there... if its over a week maybe start to be concerned but even then it could just be acclimating.