Banguy HELP!!! Clown BABIES


New Member
We have had a pair (not mated) for about 18 months now. As I sat watching the tank tonight, I noticed a rock that was covered in mushrooms. I noticed a spot towards the top next to the coral that our clownfish host. These funny little things waved back and forth as the clownfish "loved" on them and "cleaned" them. As I called my hubby to look, we thought it was odd. As I looked a bit longer, I noticed each little "thing" had TWO black spots. I said they looked like eggs!!! I jumped to the net for a picture of what fry looked like and guess what?!?!?! We are going to have babies!!
What do we do?? I am so excited!! No wonder the larger clown is so mean when we try to clean in the tank! Help is greatly appreciated as soon as possible!!!!
Thanks in advance!
:cheer: :yes: :cheer: :joy: :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
i had a pair of yellow tail damsils produce eggs the male guarded them vigourously bitting at my hand anytime it went near the eggs. however i dont think any hatched if they did im sure something ate them. ive had this pair of damsils for about 18 months also and it was the first time they laid eggs as well.
good luck!


Active Member
Agree with Viper. Get Clownfishes and read up. You will need seperate grow out tanks and have to grow special food for the young. Be patient. If they have laid a first batch of eggs, they will lay more soon. You have time. Moving them now or changing anything in the tank may cause them not to breed for months so don't do anything drastic.
Congrats! This is a sign of a healthy system!