Bannerfish Jawfish


I'm thinking of setting up a tank and I want to keep bannerfish and jawfish, probably in groups of 3 or 4 each.I may add other things but these are primary.
What size tank and setup for these and is there a problem with mixing these two species? Recommendations would be greatly appreciated


With Jawfish, you want to make sure that your substrate is not all just cc or fine sand but you want variety of sized particles in there so that they can build their holes to live in. I would also keep all animal in even pairs unless they are schooling fish like chromis or something like that.


Thanks for the help on the Jawfish Most of the info I've read on them suggest only one
except for the Pearly,which is the one I'm interested in.I suppose since they dig a lot
you can't use a plenum?As to the bannerfish
I can't find any compatibility ratings for them,though they suggested tanks of at least 75 gallons and since they're butterflyfish
Coral would be out. Garyfla

slk's reef

Hi, jawfish are a good fish.You need to have fine sand so it will make its home in it.blennies are also a good fish. I have a biclor blenny and it is a good eater.he is always out unless the lights are off.he needs fine sand too.


Fine sand will work but you need some other sized sand so that caves don't colapse when they are trying to build them.