bare bottom with carpet


I just removed the last of the dreaded CC a week ago, But my large carpet
is not a very happy camper.. love the bare bottom tank so much easier to clean, but my question is should I at least put some sand in a section for him or will he just settle in a spot that he likes. thanks greg. :help:


ime you need sand in a tank to have a successful ecosystem. organisms grow in it that are beneficial and imperative to create this ecosystem. if it seems unhappy this is most likely why.


have several other tanks with bare bottoms, this is the only tank with any anemones in it , so maybe I'll get a little sand for the end of the tank where he used to hang out and try that.
hey ViPer what do you think ??????


Active Member
IME giganteas would sometimes stay in the sand and sometimes venture up onto the rocks. Haddonis always prefer the sand. You should at least put a shallow sand bed for it.


I'll add some sand this weekend, it is a giganteas but never has ventured onto the rocks just wedges himself under them. thank you both for the insite.