Barely Open Clam


I've had a maxima clam for about two weeks and it has recently closed up. It is about 2" and leaves a 1/8" opening to breath from. It still reacts to light and closes up when I put my hand over it, it is not anchored. I had it on the bottom of my tank and recently moved it up 3".
I have a 250w halide over it, all other coral is doing fine. I tested the water and everything is in check:
amm 0
nitrate 0
nitrites 0
ph 8.1
temp 80
alk normal (low norm high test kit)
Calc 400
I do 10% waterchanges every 8 or 9 days. I can get some pictures if necessary. Any ideas on why it's closed?


I've checked and haven't seen anything. The underside is semi-hollow, with about a 1/8" cave if that's normal. I can snap a few photos tomorrow if that will help


Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam
Is it getting a lot of flow? What fish and inverts are in the tank, and what's right next to it?
The flow was medium, lighting medium. I've moved it twice, once to low flow higher lighting and now to low flow medium lighting.
For fish:
2 percs
a flame angel
a royal gramma
and a pixi hawkfish
For inverts:
lots of blue/red/scarlet hermits (20-30)
astrea snails (20-25)
mexican turbo
monkey shrimp (who survived falling into my carpet after I rescued it!)
coral banded shrimp
I've never seen anything bother it
here are some pics of it and the other stuff in my tank, everything else is doing great (as far as I can tell!). The last picture is what the clam looked like the day or two after i got it, it stayed open like that or a little bit more for about a week. It's been like this for about 4 days now. IT still reacts to light very quickly.
If you look at the main tank pic the two red x's are where it was, the X on the left is where it was first, then the red X on the right, and now the green X on the right.
There are some hermits on the clam but they are only cleaning the outside, I watched for several minutes and did not see one pull at the mantle of the clam.
