base rock cleaning question


I have 200lbs of base rock, it has sat in a box on a shelf for several years, needless to say there is no algae, nothing at all on it. Should this be safe to just spray off to get the dust off, and put in the tank, or should I bleach it? If bleaching shoukd be done how much bleach should I use per gallon of water? I am just asking because this has been out so long I am wondering if there could be anything bad on it
? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I would not use bleach on the rock as it may seap into the rock and keep coming out slowly over time. I'd probably stick the rock in water and brush it to get loose particles off. Are you going to put this rock into an established tank or new?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I would just hose it off. As far as the bleach goes it does not get absorbed into the rock. If you use bleach just rinse well until you no longer can smell any it on the rock and if you really want to be safe put the rock in a large bucket with water and add some of the many produces you can get at you LFS to neutralize chlorine.
bleach is in fact my Sterilizer of choice


I am putting this in to a new tank. I just want to avoid anything extra that is not necessary, the rock has been sitting for so long I was just wondering if anything harmfull could have survived. y Uncle used it in his tank many years ago and after he rmoved it, it has just sat in a box on a shelf ever since.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mp32
I am putting this in to a new tank. I just want to avoid anything extra that is not necessary, the rock has been sitting for so long I was just wondering if anything harmfull could have survived. y Uncle used it in his tank many years ago and after he rmoved it, it has just sat in a box on a shelf ever since.
then use the bleach

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I use 1 part bleach to 4 parts water but that’s just me I don’t think you can put in to much as you will dilute it with your rinse water. To the point where you do not have any more chlorine present