base rock for reef


New Member
where do i get base rock for the start of my reef tank? lr is too $$$$. i would like to buy all lr, but can't afford it. please advise.


Active Member
Many LFS sell it, there are a few different types, one type is called lace rock, then there is this white baserock I have heard refered to as honeycomb rock.
There is a guy on ***deleted*** that sells it also. I think it is called hi rocks



Originally posted by Birdy
There is a guy on ***deleted*** that sells it also. I think it is called hi rocks

I've used the same word many, many times here. However we are now asked to delete that internet auction house word when related to aquarium items.
Birdy, I am truly sorry for the inconvinence. It pains me that we can not point out some very good savings on here. But if you are creative there may be ways to do it still. wink
I have purchased the same rock and I love it just as much as figi liverock. Great baserock to start a reef tank or fowler with.
I believe she has already got the message, if not then perhaps a search on a well known auction site using the words base rock or just a google search doing the same would work.
See ma, no links, no bad words




Originally posted by Reef_Magic
go to *****, they have dry base rock

Really, mine doesn't carry it, but then I've only been there a few times and was very disapointed each time I was there.


Active Member
oops! sorry, I forgot, we had been able to use it before and I just forgot. No hard feelings at all!