Base Rock & Live Rock Question


New Member
I am in the process of setting up my 55 gallon tank. I have about 50 pounds of base rock. I plan on ordering about 25 - 40 pounds of live rock as soon as I can find some I can afford. :(
I read somewhere (here or a book) that live rock should not touch the glass. Is that because it will cause the glass to eventually break :eek: or is it because the live stuff can't grow where it is touching the glass :confused: or is there some other reason???? Also, what about base rock, can it touch the glass??
How should I arrange the rock???? Should I put all the live rock on top of the base rock and hope that the live stuff works its way down??? Or should I scatter the live amoung the base rock?
Okay, I admit that I'm a newbie. But hey, I'm taking my time and learning and trying to do everything right to the best of my ability!
:rolleyes: PS anybody have some spare live rock that they would like to sell to a good home????

Originally posted by Shari2shop
I read somewhere (here or a book) that live rock should not touch the glass.

I've never heard of this. I'm curious about it as well now.

the claw

Active Member
I think that's their way of keeping people from stacking against the galss. If the rocks aren't arranged correctly, the weight puts pressure on the glass, and it can eventually give way, or break the seal of the aquarium. I have lr that barely touches the glass. No weight or pressure, and I feel it is ok.


Active Member
I've heard that glass can break just by touching concrete - so I wouldn't. Maybe someone can confirm this.
To try to arrange LR means you need to have some - and it looks like you'll be doing it one at a time (no offense).. buy some base rock first then. Ask the LFS for base rock to get you started, its cheaper. Then either save your money and buy a bunch of LR, or buy smaller pieces and lay them on each other, creating caverns and such.
here's a pic of what I did last night with about 25 lbs of LR from SWF - about $110 worth..
base rock on the right if you can see it..


hello and welcome to the boards! no need to be embarassed about being new, we all were new at one point and time and its certainly a learning process. Its much better that you ask questions now and not feel embarassed becuase you think they are stupid or whatever, you save money and time and the lives of many animals by asking questions so ask away!
To answer your question about the rock touching the glass I think The Claw is right, the books recommend not putting rocks against the glass because someone might take out the back wall of their aquarium and then blame their book. (not everyone in this world is blessed with common sense afterall :rolleyes: ) So that is probably just why your book says this.
I have small parts of my live rock touching the glass in some places but not leaning their weight on it (i have too much LR to NOT have it touching the glass)
As far as arranging your live rock goes I would try to have the live rock be on top and eventually your base rock will also become live, good luck!
It could be because it may break the glass, but it is probably because it is much harder to clean and maintain algae on the glass when something like LR is against it.



Originally posted by doodle1800
I've heard that glass can break just by touching concrete - so I wouldn't. Maybe someone can confirm this.

I think your thinking of porcelain.


Active Member
1.Some "Books"recomend placing rock directly on glass bottom for stability and then adding sand to elimanate dead spots under rock...If that doesn't create pressure points I don't know what will.
2.Actually I do, If you put rock on top of sand eventually it will settle (sand stirrers, current, etc..) What is "barely touching the wall now could turn into a pressure point when the rock shifts.
3. Mostly it's reccomended not to touch the glass with rock(if you can avoid it) for circulation and cleaning algae, etc...But, Who wants their fish hidding in the 'Back" of the tank?
4.I have a Porcelain Throne touching a concrete floor in the basement so I don't think thats it.:D


Just in case I missed it, if you do not want your rocks to touch the bottom glass then lay down some egg crate and keep it a couple inches from the sides of the glass as well. Put a layer of sand over that then rocks then the rest of your sand.


its not just because of breakage though.
alot of time once you start the wall against the back you cut off all the circulation the needs to around the rock and detrius and food will start to build up in and around the rocks. I start mine away from the way a bit but as it gets towards the top it starts to lean in towards the glass till it touches. but there is plenty of room for water to flow behind the rocks and prevent dead spots. the other thing is if the rocks arent steadyed and held tight the can fall over and strike the glass causeing it to possibly break so there are a lot of things that you have to consider before stacking rocks against the back wall .


Active Member
I'd have to agree that who wants thier fish to hide behind the rocks in back of the tank? You do need to be careful not to put a lot of pressure on the glass but IMHO its mostly due to cleaning and circulation. I had my rocks all in the middle but it made my tank look tiny! I ended up moveing them back furthur and in 2 piles. I think rock touches my glass in 3 places but with very little pressure. I ended up mixing my LR and base rock pretty evenly together. Heres how mine is today. BTW I have 70lbs LR & 60lbs base. Hope fully all the rock will be LR in a couple months!


that's a lot of rock! i'll take some pictures of my 75 gallon once i get the crushed coral bags out of the water.


this is the way I had mine setup. this is just after the chage froma 50 to a 100 gallon so nothing has realy opened up in the picture yet.


thanks I will have to get some more pictures once everything is back in place. I had to do a lot of changeing LOL


Anyone think the book might just be warning about potentially scratching the glass?
I have lots of live rock that touches glass.


Active Member
Scratching + Pressure = Breakage :eek:
That's how they "cut" glass...Scratch a line...add a "little" pressure...and the glass will "SNAP" cleanly on the scratch line!!
Just something to worry you...;)