base rock question


Active Member
anyone have any threads they know of for choosing base rock? can i just go to a local stream and get flat rocks, or do they need to be from the ocean?


Active Member
River or stream stone is not any good as the streams can be pollued and the rock is very dense. It needs to be pourous so "critters" can live in there just like live rock. Generally base rock is dead live rock (meaning same structure) or can be made yourself using agracrete and cc. There are threads on here how to do that.
But, i would not use the streams rock.


Active Member
So, living in CT i only have the Long Island sound relatively close, i'll be headed to maine next week and was going to spend a day at the beach there. I am also seeing someone post that they make their own rock.
Should i try looking on the beaches for base rock? my LR i just got came with 3 or 4 larger pieces with pretty flat bottoms, should i just use that? or make some baserock?
email sent btw.


Active Member
I met up with someone who has 2 tubs worth of old dead coral and rock and he's going to give it all to me!!
(and this is my first time using the emoticons :)

mandarin w

Same problem with the rock at the ocean. The boat and what now pollute the water on the beaches. You would need to go several miles off shore before the water is clean enough to maybe use the rock or sand for there. But then I beleive there are law about taking things out of the ocean is some areas. As you figured this also goes for the sand. Check the classifieds. There is almost always someone selling LR or LS.