basic coral help


So I went out and bought a few frags from a guy and now i need to learn more about there care. The specific ones that i bought are.....neon green candy cane, frogspawn, orange yuma, and 3 different variations of zoos. I know that the zoos need nothing more than light to survive but the others need to be spot fed right? Ive red alot of posts about using a turkey baster and shooting cycopese(sp) or something similar as well as holding onto a mysis shrimp with tweezers infront of the mouth until it starts to eat it in. Is there any good reading online about basic coral care? Sorry Im a newb and dont want to kill my new additions. Thanx


Active Member
Okay well to start with the lecture... shame on you for buying something before knowing how to keep it!
Okay so now that this is outa the way, the good news is that none of the things you bought are very difficult. I keep everything on your list, and I do not spot feed any of it.
Candy Cane: Keep in moderate to high flow, decent light.
Frogspawn: Keep this in low flow (but not "no flow"). The tentacles should very gently sway, but not be whipped around in the current.
Yuma: Moderate light and flow.
Zoos: You already know.
Provided you have decent lighting... maybe 5 watts per gallon of PC, VHO, Halide, or T5 you should have no trouble with any of this stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Okay well to start with the lecture... shame on you for buying something before knowing how to keep it!


I know i should have known more befor but I travelled to buy zoo frags and got the others because they were cheap and what i was wanting to buy soon anyways. I had already done some reading on this and another site on how people were caring for theirs and was going by what i had already read but was asking for more info. thank you for your help and knowing that you dont spot feed yours is taking alot of stress about possibly underfeeding or not feeding properly. my lighting is 6w/gal pc.