basic setup


what would be a good setup for an aggressive tank in it i would like to get 2snowflake eel 1valentini puffer and some other name i think it was called a goldentail eel or something like that, sorry just cant remember
i have no fish in my tank as of now
i dont know if eels can be kept together i just really like them and wanted to have two different types
also what kind of inverts can i have prbably no shrimp or crabs
i know all the basics of a community tank but do to budget i might not get one so i need to know all the main differences between the two


Active Member
Some eels can be housed together but will need a pretty big tank.A 100 gallons are more.Nither the snowflake or the golden(gymnothorax milliaris) are especiaaly aggresive.So it's probably do-able.Be careful with inverts of any kind though.


thanks predator,
i was kinda leaning towards a tank with no fish more puffers and eels and i would probably do this in about 1yr because i decided on sticking with my original plan and doing that later with more exp


if your gonna have 2 eels make sure that that they are about the same size and you may want to wait to get your LR just how you want it untill you just before adding the second eel. that way they can each pic a new territory and you can cut down on territorial disputes...
i agree that you shouldn't try it in less than a 100 gal, but if your gonna get a 100 you might as well jump to a 125 (not that big a difference in price) and then you could also keep a volitan lion and maybe a bluethroat trigger or a that would be a cool aggressive tank...