basic tank setup



I just got back from a pretty disturbing trip to a lfs that I had never been to before. The owner spent about 15 minutes w/ me talking about my tank setup and basically telling me that everything I did in setting up my 75 gallon tank was wrong. He said that my crushed coral was a bad idea b/c it would raise the nitrate level to a dangerous degree, that my emperor bio-wheel filter would do the same, and that my sea-clone skimmer was basically a piece of junk. I've had the tank setup since last August, I cycled it w/ damsels, and I've had a yellow tang and a regal tang for a little over a month now. He said that those two would be very lucky to survive, that I should change to live sand immediately (at least 4 inches deep) and bump my live-rock load up to at least 75 pounds. Can you guys please tell me how much of what he said was right? I'd really appreciate it.

zack schwartz

Active Member
With that much lr and ls and some good lighting you would be ready to start a reef which sounds like you don't want to do. I have done that setup and worked fine, but there are always better set ups


Active Member
i don't believe it!
where is this guy from? MARS? he definitley does not fit the profile of most lfs's (from earth), since they almost never give that kind of advice, unfortunately he may have been a bit harsh and sounded as such, particularly since this woudl involve some money and changing from what you already have, i like his advice
and as for a better system, IMO, there is none, that is a great set up and works great for a reef too, b/c it is the best alternative for most things especially for a community fish only or fowlr or a reef(wet dry with skimmer for SOME applications may be as good or even better)
i definitley agree wiht anthem adn jwtrojan, and for once, i do agree with the advice of an lfs(WOW, MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN), unfortunately blunt, but definitely clear enough for the laman to understand, do me a favor and go back and(even if you don't follow his advice) shake his hand and tell him that he has our respect(AT LEAST MINE, for now, b/c this does NOT mean that we wil agree with everything he has ot sya, but is off to a good start)
btw, i too, like jwtrojan still use my emporer like that :D


thanks to everyone who replied. I appreciate all of it, as I've learned that there are a lot of places where you can get bad information (like the other lfs I went to before this new one). He was pretty blunt, and I guess I was just more hacked about the fact that I've got to change everything out, but after what you guys have told me, I'll definitely use him as a resource, and judging from his prices, probably use him for most of my new purchases as well. I'll be sure and give him a pat on the back for you next time I drop in. (I'm in 1st yr of law school, so between now and May there won't be many trips to the lfs)
Last question though, w/ everything I've just learned, my next project will be to change out the coral for ls/lr, but after that, what do you reccommend as far as any further additions, if any are possible? I have a regal and a yellow, but I'm not sure how much more a 75 can support. Any suggestions?
thanks again, nice to know there's somebody around here that I can trust.